Belong...we are neurokin
GROW - Guided Coaching Sessions
Letting Go Meditation

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Belong...we are neurokin

Letting Go Meditation

A guided meditation to help you to let go of what you accept you cannot change
time lapse photography of water in tunne l
Photo by Eryk Fudala on Unsplash

When you’re in overwhelm or you’re recovering from a clash of emotionally dysregulated humans here’s a guided mediation that can help you to Let Go.

May you be free from pain and sorrow

May you be at peace

Jack Kornfield

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Belong...we are neurokin
GROW - Guided Coaching Sessions
GROW focusing on part of the neurokin journey we all go through as part of our growth in improved self: understanding | compassion | acceptance | confidence | Each of these articles will have a 15 minute guided audio coaching session, if you want to create a focussed time, to delve deeper into the topic and consider the actions you’d like to take for your growth. This is available for Paid Subscribers